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Week 11: Building the Site

Not much to report for Week 11. I’ve gotten three interviews done, with one more on the way. I’ve done a bit of research here and there, and am now looking at building a timeline of major movies made in Sonoma County. I’ve gotten some excellent answers back, as well as some pictures of the festivals. Since I’m doing three festivals, I’m a bit overwhelmed with gathering this much information! However, I’ve gotten my website sorted out with all the necessary pages. The next step will be to add the actual content.

I’ve learned that pursuing interviews via email is tricky. While many people seem happy to say “yes” when first solicited, actually getting the questions back is a struggle. I’ve had to send reminders, and some people still haven’t responded. Thankfully, I was able to find more people to interview to make up for the non responses! Setting up an appointment with people and interviewing them in person is probably a better method — however, not something I can really manage with my time and resources available. But … this will just have to do. It’s been an interesting experiment at least!

I’m looking forward to actually having time to sit down and really focus on the project. I’ve been keeping up with the readings somewhat, but feel like it’s time to shift from reading to working. I’ve got several other projects on my plate and a screenplay to finish before finals week in May. So I hope I can fit everything in this month! I’m just happy I have enough interviews to offer. Last week, I was freaking out because nothing was coming in!

And so concludes my weekly update 🙂


Published inWeekly Thoughts

One Comment

  1. Cathy Kroll Cathy Kroll

    Excellent! It sounds like all is coming together very well. Congratulations on receiving back those interview responses and maintaining grace under pressure. It’s great to hear that the organizational structure of your site is shaping up. With three film festivals to write on and to present, you will have to make some creative choices about what to include and what to exclude. One tip: always remember the audience for your site. What knowledge do they have already? As your audience will be a national one–readers of the COPLAC site–you should provide readers with some very basic information about the three festivals and what the intent of your project is. Then, you can make choices about what other information is essential and what you’d like to highlight!

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