Week 11 Update: Organization

I dedicated several hours today editing and have finally cut my two-hour long strip of footage to 15 manageable minutes to be rearranged and perfected. As I ventured into the later interviews, I’m astounded by how much history got unearthed in that time. My contract may have to be revised to de-emphasize the timeline or shift it away from immigration to a Glendi-focused timeline.

As I am cutting the interviews down to their most candid bits, I am finding natural ways to arrange clips. For instance, several interviewees say “The food is great” with a spike in energy. They all list off their favorite foods, and I hope that collages well.

One of my interviewees was the gatekeeper of history. Her interview was rich with dates and facts; however, for the video I will need to cut for a digestible runtime. Though I will need to transcribe the video for closed captions, some interviews are still in need of a full transcription.

When one of the parishioners provided me with their PR work, I had another challenge: how will I organize all this information? In class, you may have noticed that I have transitioned to keeping notes on a tablet. Now I am placing all my odds and ends on Evernote, which includes the consent forms, class notes, key email exchanges, and absolutely everything else. So far this has helped me prepare my mind with all this information.

One thought on “Week 11 Update: Organization

  1. Wonderful to hear that you are flourishing with all of the rich content you have uncovered! As you note, design decisions start to become pressing at this point in a project’s timeline and, yes, anyone who has embarked on a multifaceted project knows that the initial organizational plan for presentation of the research will necessarily shift according to what is actually uncovered! So, adopting the nimble and creative approach that you have will serve you well. Good reminder about harnessing the power of a note-keeping system to stay organized and to keep everything in one place. Would you be willing to say a word about Evernote in class? Another good bibliographic tool is Zotero (free).

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