Though I took this class for the experience, not the credit, I put a great deal of time an effort into my site. Coming into this class, I had no knowledge of blogs, HTML/CSS, or anything that fell under the “digital” part of “digital humanities.” In fact, I only really knew how to think critically and write (mainly essays). Not long after I was thrown into the deep end of Word Press, I learned a great deal about how to present my research in new and exciting ways in the digital age.
Ultimately, I am very pleased with how my site turned out. I think those who visit my site will find it engaging and informative, but not overwhelming. I stayed close to my plan in my contract and, with the help of my classmates and professors, managed to create the site I had envisioned four months ago (special thanks to Miranda, who helped me utilize the read-more/accordion feature to make it easier to navigate my site). My site is carefully organized such that it takes readers along by each major event. On these pages, I include a general overview of the event then provide a critical analysis of JazzFest 48.
The biggest challenge this semester was figuring out how to obtain permission to use and properly cite various forms of media on my site. Honestly, that was one of the most important things I learned, if not THE most important thing (learning how to create a website/blog is a close second). Likewise, the IRB process was also a very confusing process, especially for me because apparently Truman State University does not require IRB approval for ethnographic research projects.
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